GFCI Outlet Won't Reset: 6 Ways To Fix It | MN Electric
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6 Common Reasons Your GFCI Outlet Won’t Reset (And How To Fix It)

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If you’re having electrical issues and your GFCI outlet won’t reset, you’ve come to the right place.

As your friendly neighborhood electrician, we’ve listed some common reasons why a GFCI won’t reset and how homeowners like you can troubleshoot a dead outlet while still being safe and cautious.

What Are GFCI Outlets?

A GFCI, or a ground fault circuit interrupter, is an excellent tool that protects you and your loved ones from nasty electrical shocks. The GFCI’s purpose is to sense any leaks in the electrical current and shut down the circuit before you have an accident.

However, when they stop working, it can be challenging to understand what went wrong. When the outlet’s breaker trips, you must reset it to restore the electrical current to the outlet. If your GFCI breaker does not reset, this could mean a more resounding problem for your outlet.

6 Reasons Your GFCI Outlet Won’t Reset


1. Bad Connection/Loose Parts

Sometimes if your GFCI won’t reset, the problem may be as simple as some loose parts not establishing a good connection.

Parts that could be loose are often:

  • Terminal screws
  • Stab-in connections
  • Wires at wire connectors

To figure out if this is an issue, you must remove the outlet from the box and search for loose connections. Make sure to wear rubber shoes and gloves and use rubber tools when working with anything electric.

However, if you remove the outlet and see loose wires beyond repair, you may need to install a new outlet altogether.

Hands professional during mounting of electrical outlets connector installed in plasterboard drywall in apartment is under construction; GFCI outlet won't reset

2. No Power Supply to Receptacle

If there is no power supply to the receptacle, then power can not reach your GFCI outlets. What does this mean? Even if you hit the reset button on your outlet, it still will not work.

In these cases, you may have reversed line and load. In rare cases, the circuit interrupter may be defective. A good way to tell if this is the problem is by seeing that the reset button has popped out but other plugged-in devices still work.

To fix this, turn the main breaker on and off again. If that doesn’t work, you may want to call an electrician to troubleshoot the problem.

3. GFCI Outlet Has Gone Bad

Everything has a lifespan, including GFCI outlets. Usually, GFCI outlets last between 10 and 15 years. If you find no other tripped GFCIs and the outlet is past 10 years old, you may need to replace that one GFCI outlet altogether.

When this happens, purchase a new outlet and have it professionally installed.

4. Power Turned off by Circuit Breaker

If you test and reset your GFCI outlet, but it still won’t stay reset, a good idea is to check the breaker box to make sure the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped. Try resetting the outlet.

Once you reset the outlet and it still doesn’t reset, moisture buildup in the wiring or outlet may be the culprit. Dry the outlet out with a hairdryer. When it has dried, you can try resetting the button.

5. GFCI Outlet Incorrectly Installed

A likely reason for your outlet not resetting is that the entire outlet was incorrectly wired. During the 1980s, GFCI receptacles were far more expensive than they are today, and as a result, builders would only place one GFCI receptacle in the home to protect all of the downstream receptacles. As a result, many receptacles have inefficient, improper wiring.

If you live in an old home, your GFCI may have been installed incorrectly. Luckily, it’s easy enough to reinstall the correct one.

  • Turn off power to your circuit breaker or fuse.
  • Verify the power is off using a voltage tester. (It’s important to always wear rubber shoes and use tools with rubber handles when working with anything electrical).
  • Remove the existing outlet.
  • Disconnect wires from the existing outlet. Remove insulation so that 3/4-inch of the copper conductor is showing.
  • Identify line wires and connect new wires.
  • Place the GFCI into the wall box.
  • Cover with the wall plate.

6. Ground Fault Wiring Issue

Sometimes, ground faults are the reason why your outlet won’t reset. If the GFCI trips every time you reset it, there could be a ground fault along the branch circuit.

In these cases, you can call a qualified electrician for troubleshooting and repairs. They can also check out your electrical panel, breaker, and electrical code to ensure no additional issues.

It’s a common problem to have GFCI outlets break. However, as an integral piece to the safety of your home, you must fix the problem right away when you notice a malfunctioning GFCI outlet.

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To save time and money, you can try to troubleshoot the problem on your own. However, some jobs are so complex that it’s worth calling a professional. If you feel like the problem is out of your hands, reach out to the professional team at 4Front Energy.


A GFCI or GFI outlet may not reset due to a ground fault occurring somewhere along the electrical current. Here are the 6 main causes your GFCI outlet won’t reset.

  • Bad connection, loose parts
  • No power supply to the receptacle
  • The GFCI outlet has gone bad
  • Power turned off to circuit breaker
  • GFCI outlet incorrectly installed
  • Ground fault wiring issues

Try toggling the Test and Reset buttons in order to fix a stuck GFCI outlet.

In order to properly test and reset a GFCI outlet, first, unplug all appliances that are sharing the same circuit and press the Reset button on the outlet. You should hear a click once the button is pressed. Now you can try plugging in your appliances and the outlet should be functioning again.

In most cases, GFCI outlets will last for around 15 to 25 years. In some circumstances, they can wear out in as little as five years.

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