Why You Should Consider a Furnace Replacement
When the weather outside is frightful, you love coming home to a space that feels both warm and inviting. The biggest reason for the comfort of your home is your furnace. Whether you have a full HVAC system or just a furnace, it produces the heat that you need on a cold winter day or night. Now is a good time to look at some of the signs you might need to replace your old furnace.
Carbon Monoxide Emissions
A big sign that you need a furnace replacement is when the old one releases carbon monoxide. Many refer to carbon monoxide as the silent killer because you do not hear or smell it. Using a carbon monoxide detector lets you check for leaks. You can also look for signs of the emissions, including rusted pipes and soot on the walls.
Your Unit is Old
If you have an old furnace, stop trying to fix it and choose a new model—Furnaces last an average of 20 years, but some last for only ten years. We often recommend looking at new models during the last few years of your old one’s life. Many people contact us when they have furnaces that are 10 to 15 years old.
Expensive Repair Bills
Paying money every year or every few months to repair your furnace is like putting lipstick on a pig. While it might look good for a little bit, it will eventually fail. We often tell our customers that the best time to replace a furnace is when the old one regularly requires expensive repairs. While a new furnace might cost more money today, it will save you money in the long run.
Uneven Heating
A common sign of a failing furnace is when it provides uneven heating. You might find that some rooms in your home are the perfect temperature but that others are too cold or too hot. Replacing your furnace gives you the right temperature that you need in each room.
Cycling Issues
We also recommend furnace replacements in homes where the system experiences cycling issues. This can mean that the furnace kicks on and off regularly or that it comes on and stays on. Cycling issues mean that the furnace can no longer keep up with the demands of your home and that it has some serious problems that require expensive repairs.
Don’t let another winter go by and leave you struggling with a furnace that doesn’t work the way you need. Call 4Front Energy today to discuss your options and find out if it’s time to replace your furnace.
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